Campbelltown Library's recent Great Australian Dream Project resulted in many interesting photographs as entries for the competition. This post will cover a building named Springfield House and a subsequent post will describe another exciting entry of a house that has a "colourful" history.
The magnificent Springfield House was built in 1962 by Harry Springfield, who sold it a year later to Lend Lease Corporation. The house, which won an architectural award, was situated on 75 acres of land, somewhere near the end of Fitzgibbon Lane in today's Rosemeadow. Originally named "Amaroo" (purportedly indigenous for a 'beautiful place'), at the time of construction it was in an isolated paddock. The closest surrounding developed lands at the time were Bradbury and the original Campbelltown Golf Course. The Springfields ran beef cattle and grew various crops.
After "Amaroo" was sold by Harry in 1963, Lend Lease was able to strike up a deal which allowed Harry and his family to live there for about 18 years until it was sold. The Springfields loved living there. Harry expressed to a local newspaper that "I have had the pleasure of bringing up most of my family in it".
The two-story house had 3 bedrooms and a study that could be converted into a fourth bedroom. It had a large 'rumpus' room downstairs, billiard room and an indoor lanai garden with a small in-ground fishpond room. There were spectacular views on the horizon of the Sydney CBD buildings and even of Mt Victoria in the Blue Mountains.
After the Springfields moved to Menangle Park, the building was used as a community arts centre. It opened in 1983 with a spectacular bonfire. (not to burn the place down!) With the threat of resumption by the State Planning and Environment Department, the house was sold and owned by various entities including Lend Lease and the Department of Housing. It fell into dis-repair after severe vandalism and a fire caused by suspected arson in early 1990 led to its demolition.
The photographs of the house below were all entries in the Great Australian Dream Project and were supplied by Barry Springfield. The project aimed at recording various types of architecture from the period 1920-1979 in the Campbelltown area. Other houses entered for the project can be found on Campbelltown Library's website or by visiting Great Australian Dream Project - Campbelltown City Council
West wing of "Amaroo" AKA Springfield House while under construction. The view is looking at the upstairs kitchen and loungeroom and verandah. The lower ground double garage is alongside the indoor lanai room. The house is nearly completed with trees and lawns yest to be established. (Barry Springfield Collection)