The Campbelltown area is not the first that comes to mind
when considering vineyards and winemaking. Although the Macarthur family was
producing wine throughout the first half of the 1800’s at Camden Park, and indeed,
took wine to the Paris Exhibition of 1955, other winemakers in the Campbelltown
area were also busily trying to grow grapes and produce good wine.
Dr William Redfern was transported to New South Wales,
arriving in 1801. His good reputation as a doctor gained him a free pardon in
1803. He eventually became physician to Governor Macquarie and his family, and
also to the Macarthur family. He was granted 1300 acres in the Airds district
near Campbelltown in 1818, naming the property Campbellfields, in honour of Mrs
In 1821 William Redfern went to England, and on his return
voyage, spent some time at Madeira, studying the vineyards and wine industry
there. He engaged vine dressers and procured vines at considerable expense, and
returned to New South Wales in 1824, receiving a further grant at Campbellfields,
where he introduced the white grape variety ‘Verdelho’ to Australia from
He lived at Campbellfields and devoted more and more time to
his farming activities, which included cultivating the vine as well as fine
wool and cattle, gradually withdrawing from his medical practice, which he
entirely gave up in September 1826. Two years later he took his son William to
Edinburgh to be educated. Though he intended to return, he died there in July
Varro Ville
1811 Dr Robert Townson was granted 1000 acres at Minto and
called it 'Varro Ville', after the Roman agriculturalist Marcus Terentius Varro,
whose only complete work to survive is the Res Rustica (“Farm Topics”), a three-section
work of practical instruction in general agriculture and animal husbandry,
written to foster a love of rural life.
Dr Townson was living off his capital since arriving in
Australia, and, fearing financial ruin, devoted himself to developing Varro
Ville to the exclusion of everything else. Varro Ville became a showpiece and its
vineyard was 'second only to Gregory Blaxland'. (Gregory Blaxland had a vineyard at Brush Farm
on the Parramatta River, taking wine to England in 1822, and again in 1827, the
latter earning him a Gold Medal from the Royal Society of Arts.) After the death of Dr Townson in 1827, Varro
Ville was advertised for sale and described as follows “The Estate was the
Residence of the late Dr. Townson, and possesses one of the first Vineyards in
this Colony, planted with the choicest Grape Trees, together with an Orchard,
having a great variety of the best Fruit Trees in it.”
Eschol Park
The original 50 acre grant to Mark Millington was enlarged
to 1,300 acres by Thomas Clarkson, who also erected a house on the property in
1817. After changing hands again, it was sold to William Fowler in 1858. He
originally named it Eshcol Park after the Promised Land of Eshcol in the Bible,
but it was continually misspelt, and is now known as Eschol Park. William built the existing main house, and in
about 1860 erected a three story winery and adjoining still room. He also
established a 15 acre vineyard, and within a decade or so, it was producing
2000 to 3000 gallons of award-winning wines. William Fowler sold the property
to a Mr Milgate, who continued the vineyard with Fowler acting as agent for
selling the wine. The property changed hands again, and was again listed for
sale in 1885, with the listing boasting ‘15 acres of valuable and well-cared-for
vineyards in full-bearing’ and ‘in the cellars are nine 700 and one 1,100
gallon casks, besides a large number of lesser capacity; these together with
the valuable plant and about 15,000 gallons of wine, varying in age from six
years downwards’. Vineyards across the region were badly hit in the 1890s when
the Phylloxera disease struck, and Eschol Park was devastated. The suburb
bearing the name Eschol Park has its streets named after varieties of grape
grown in Australia, as well as wine types, methods and terms, and the early
vigneron of Eschol Park himself is remembered by William Fowler Reserve.
Eshcol Park c1870. Photo courtesy of Campbelltown & Airds Historical Society |
Written by Claire Lynch
Wineries in Macarthur – A Historical Perspective by Steve
Vineyards of Sydney – by Dr. Philip Norrie
Campbelltown City Council